Liberia: Thousands Gather at ATS to Nominate Weah for Re-Election



Thousands of partisans and supporters of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) from across Monrovia and other parts of the country have gathered in central Monrovia at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium for the planned nomination of President Weah. 

The "one million-person nomination rally of President George M. Weah" by the ruling party for Weah to run in the general and presidential elections of 2023, has forced businesses in central Monrovia and its surroundings to close.
President George Weah accepts his party's nomination to contest in the #2023 elections, saying "I will be on the ballot."

Partisans and supporters can be seen chanting "Weah must go" and "Weah 12 sure" while wearing the traditional party colors of blue, red, and white.

Stores and shops in densely populated Duala, Vai town, Clara town, and Freeport are closed. Liberia is poised to go to an election on October 10, 2023, to elect 73 Representatives, 15 Senators, and President.

Buses have been commuting partisans and supporters to town since the morning hours, while some are seen walking in groups.

The CDC-led government's decision to hold a rally that results in the closure of businesses, however, has drawn criticism from some Liberians. The government rally, according to them, will result in revenue losses.