Liberia: Poverty Reduction Not Poverty Generation

.... Within the profit orientation of the Co-Organizers, they did not focus on the transformation of African economies from the colonial poverty-generating system of the production of raw materials from Africa to the former colonial countries to the poverty alleviation system of Value Addition, where there is African ownership of the use of local raw materials for the production and consumption of the finished products by the people of Africa.

Yet once again, the World Bank is busy promoting contradictory actions in Africa. On the one hand, the World Bank says that it is promoting Poverty Reduction but, on the other hand, the World Bank is actually promoting Poverty Generation. 

On October 19, the World Bank and the European Investment Bank, serving as Co-Organizers of the African Summit on Development Sustainability, talked about the importance of promoting poverty reduction over poverty generation. But the Co-Organizers did not Walk The Poverty Reduction Talk.

At this African Summit, the Co-Organizers focused on the role of development banks in supporting the transformation of economic and financial systems in Africa towards sustainability. The viability of African economies, in the view of the Co-Organizers, depends on the sustainability of the transformation of African economic systems.

Within the profit orientation of the Co-Organizers, they did not focus on the transformation of African economies from the colonial poverty-generating system of the production of raw materials from Africa to the former colonial countries to the poverty alleviation system of Value Addition, where there is African ownership of the use of local raw materials for the production and consumption of the finished products by the people of Africa.

Essentially, the Co-Organizers focused on the promotion of the colonial mode of production that generates poverty and leads to violence, including coup d'etat and civil war. Witness the protests against poverty in Sierra Leone that led to the deaths of twenty-seven protesters. Witness the coups d’etats in Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali that led to the deaths of hundreds of people.

Witness the violence in Liberia that led to the injuries of many anti-high cost of living protesters, Witness the sanctions against top corrupt government officials that led to their resignations and replacements of government officials with a similar orientation, marking the recycling of corrupt government officials.

Witness the contradiction in the position of global leader United States of America (USA) who placed sanctions on corrupt government officials, but continue promoting corruption by assisting the local corrupters financially, as seen in the USA amount to Liberia of US106 million presented a week ago, ostensibly for development financing. 

Why is this glaring contradiction of sanctioning while assisting financially at this time? This is the way the global master sends the signal to the local servant that it is time for regime change because the transnational corporations of the global master are not getting an acceptable level of profits from the local State management.

The maintenance of the flawed electoral system is the way that the global master has decided to implement the use of soft measures to effect the change in local State management. This way of regime change is not acceptable to the voters because it violates the Rule of Law and, therefore, the Constitution of Liberia.

To prevent such rule the outlaw, the people who love Liberia have to continue to use knowledge to raise awareness in ways that motivate the people to work together to transform the UNFAIR electoral system into the FAIR electoral system, the only way for the Rule of Law to prevail, for Justice to replace injustice, to facilitate the election of persons with good records.

Editor’s note: The views expressed in this commentary are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent that of the Daily Observer newspaper.