Liberia: Letter, With No Love Lost, to the Incumbent Congress

Mulbah K Morlu Jr., Chairman of the  Congress for Democratic Change, a constituent party in the current ruling party, the Coalition for Democratic Change. 

.... The added insult is your plan to host "a candlelight vigil" for the deceased. I would say, "how sweet," if the venue were somewhere other than your party headquarters. Why there? Was Charlotte Scott a Cdician? Also, why should only your female partisans wear black for the occasion? Are Cdician men impervious to grief? Only dog killers are that serious and unemotional... which would actually explain a lot.

I am, perhaps perversely, amused at your "very not guilty" conduct, in response to the Musu-Scott case.

Today, Former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott, a grieving mother, gropes for the phantom limbs of her deceased daughter. Yet here it seems you are, practically accusing her of filicide. Your apparent surrogates are all over social media, posting typo-laden encyclopedias, desperately deflecting any question of your involvement in this case. 

One such post cites Justice Scott's political insignificance to the CDC as grounds for the party not needing to harm her. So, then it follows logically that... if she were a threat... then you would? Is that what you're trying to say? Because that is patent "very desperate and very not guilty" rhetoric, in case you're unaware.

And cops appear in lockstep behind you. They have allegedly alleged that Justice Scott made statements that she claims she did not. Why all the unnecessary confusion, this early in the investigation? And why threaten her with legal action for requesting time to obtain legal representation, in light of said confusion? All that was step one of the injury.

Step two is you, as a political party, announcing your approval of an autopsy. Did someone ask you? And in what world would police need your permission to perform the standard procedures? After six years, does the CDC still need an introduction to public administration? That statement was presumptuous at best and, at worst, telling.

The added insult is your plan to host "a candlelight vigil" for the deceased. I would say, "how sweet," if the venue were somewhere other than your party headquarters. Why there? Was Charlotte Scott a Cdician? Also, why should only your female partisans wear black for the occasion? Are Cdician men impervious to grief? Only dog killers are that serious and unemotional... which would actually explain a lot.

Tell me: is this how you plan to disperse the shadows of public doubt about your party's involvement in this case? If so, then I have to laugh and pray you to find a better lawyer. Whoever is advising you is not doing you justice. 

But then, this is what happens when one is prone to pathological prevarication. This is the fallout when one is persistently found with red fluid on their fingers at successive crime scenes, standing over CPAs' corpses. Cosplaying innocence becomes a complex affair. And you all need acting lessons.

To be fair, jurisprudence demands we presume your innocence. But I feel... shall we say "fairness fatigue," for the reasons stated above. I have nothing left for you now but to err on the side of cynicism.

This is a messy situation not helped by Justice Scott's understandable silence, so far. If she has some indication that this attack was not politically motivated, she should say so soonest and ask everybody to shut up while the investigation ensues. Then again, would she not have done so by now, if she were certain of that and trusted this process?

But, you know what? None of that matters now. It is already a waste, and there's nothing left to do but watch you ramp up the third-rate drama. Who knows? Maybe you'll pay a million men who marched last month to believe you.

Meanwhile, as this saga continues, I'll be ordering my Shark's popcorn with extra butter.