Liberia: ALCOP Political Leader Calls on Muslims to Remain Dutiful

.... Muslims Urged to observe Ramadan 

The political leader of the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) and former Finance Minister of  Liberia, Lusinee F. Kamara, has congratulated Muslims for exerting sincere effort in the first ten 10 days of Ramadan to observe fasting and uphold its disciplinary rules.

In a statement issued in Monrovia on April 12, Kamara said he is confident that Muslims will reap the benefits of spiritual renewal during the holy month, judging from initial observance.

However, as they go through the month, he wants them to remain sincerely dutiful to God, their family members and fellow human beings, as well as to the society in which they live. 

“While you continue during the remaining parts of this holy month to abstain from food, drink and other things or habits that are forbidden to a fasting Muslim, we want to encourage you to remain sincerely dutiful to God, to your family and fellow human beings and to the society in which you live,” said Mr. Kamara. 

“Ramadan is a time when you can demonstrate the beauty of Islam as the system of life that calls for peace, unity, fraternal love and brotherhood among us. Let us also remember that this unique religion urges believers to be selfless and live for the larger society and put the general interest of the community above all individual interests,” he stated.

He praised his compatriots for demonstrating unity and discipline by always fasting together; praying together, celebrating Eid ul Fitr together, performing Hajj (Pilgrimage) together and celebrating Eid ul Adha together. 

The ALCOP political leader maintained that the show of unity in these periods is good, stressing that it would be pleasant before God and man to see them translate this spirit of togetherness into collective socio-political and socio-economic actions for the mutual benefit of the Liberian society at large. 

“You must rise above personal ego and use all the means available to you, to strengthen the unity of our community and the larger society and ensure that we succeed in our collective struggle to lead positive change and improve the conditions and living standards of the people of Liberia,” he urged.

“As you observe the holy month of Ramadan, please include Liberia in your prayers for economic prosperity, political viability and improved security system for all persons, regardless of social status. Remember that all actions of a Muslim, be they political or social, must be inspired by this general principle of collective interest of all citizens of the country. Our collective experience as Liberians is a sufficient lesson. The rich legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBH) and other renowned and iconic leaders — of popular memory — is sufficient inspiration for us to work together to relieve humanity, including our society, of all forms of misery,” Mr. Kamara continued. 

He called on Muslims to remember that success and dignity will only come if only they change what is wrong, stressing that Allah does not change the condition of a people until and unless they change what is wrong with themselves. 

“Allah has not abandoned us, but we must emulate the good examples of successful communities, who held together against all odds. 

“They were not Belly-driven; did not listen to distractions; but remained focused on the objective of changing what was wrong with themselves. 

“As we abstain from evil and strive to please our Lord, let us be kind and generous to our fellow man, let us be generous to our neighbors and fellow citizens, irrespective of our religious diversity. Let us be the ambassadors of peace, moral discipline and fraternal love as the religion Islam wants us to be. To our fellow non-Muslim citizens, we urge you and ourselves to hold Liberia in high esteem as our common patrimony, which we must all strive together to make it the home we can all be proud of; a better society that is prosperous and viable where the rules of law, security, tolerance and coexistence reign supreme,” Kamara added.