Cummings: "2022 is the year to work for real change"

Liberians everywhere, greetings.

After a very tough year, I want to be amongst the first to wish you a healthy and happy NEW YEAR!

We continue to be tested in difficult and humbling ways. Yet, we are inspired by Liberians from all walks of life, who despite the difficulties, are stepping up every day to create change and make things better.

There can be no better way to ring in 2022 than to feel inspired by the spirit of resilience and hope of Liberians. However far we fall, it is always within us to stand up again and drive ourselves forward. We can do this - we must do this for ourselves, and our country.

However disappointed we may be, we must believe in the possibility of real change for a better future for Liberia. I believe our best days are ahead of us.

And as hard as it may be for some to believe, I urge you to not lose hope. Just like 2021 must pass so that 2022 begins anew, so too, will this period of disappointment pass, so that a strong, united and prosperous Liberia will begin anew and rise!

Happy New Year!

The bad economy, poor healthcare, high unemployment, failing school system, stealing, bad governance, insecurity, marginalization, just to name a few, will not disappear overnight, or in 2022. But as we begin a new year, if we collectively put in the work to educate and empower our people, we will increase the possibilities for real change in the direction of our country and the lives of every Liberian.

2022 is the year to work for real change. On many things, we may all never agree. But on the need to change the direction of our country and improve the living conditions of Liberians, we cannot disagree.

After the last 365 days of frustration, hopelessness, pain, and loss, let us bind, care, heal, and rebuild in 2022. We have to press forward with our eyes set on a better 21st Century Liberia. Real change is not about the party. It is about the country. It is not about the past. It is about a new future.

Change never happens until people are ready to act for it to happen. Rather than wait to be overwhelmed by the Pandemic again, let us all do the little things like wearing masks, washing our hands, and holding others accountable to wear their masks and keep safe distances, for us to all stay healthy. Sometimes, it's in each of us doing the little things - the right things - that will create the changes we need.

Again, Teresa and I wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!!

Warm Personal Regards,

Alexander Benedict Cummings