Another Era Is on Liberia’s National Political Horizon: Can Boakai Succeed Where Weah Failed?

By Jeremiah J. Kringar Harris, Sr.

Another era dawns ín Liberia when Former Vice President Joseph Boakai takes the oath of office as President of the Republic, in January, 2024. Undoubtedly, the new President's style of governance will be a far cry  from that of his predecessor, given the difference  in their personalities. But whatever ít is, he must be effective and successful in implementing policies designed to solve the nation's problems in six years as promised, or face the voters’ wrath on the day of reckoning in 2029.

Any politician worth a grain of salt who feigns an understanding of the national political landscape, should realize that in view of the unbridled polarization which today besets the nation, impactful policy implementation would be stalled in the absence of reconciliation and inclusion.

As a consequence of the foregoing, the success or failure of the new administration hinges on the relevance accorded reconciliation on the drawing board where its policies are being crafted.

Former Vice President Joseph Boakai was elected by Liberíans to bring change to the nation. However, to actualize change ín the midst of the unprecedented prevailing disunity which has left the nation more deeply divided than it has been  in decades, reconciliation must be recalibrated and embraced. This stance must not seen as an attempt to condone impunity, far from it. Recalibrated reconciliation and inclusion can proceed even as Justice is being meted out to corrupt officials of government. This is the idea of bite and blow which the great Unificator, President William Tubman, successfully employed throughout the 27 years of his Íncumbency.

The first order of business for the new administration should be to ascertain that the national coffers have enough funding to ensure continuity in the government’s ability to honor its obligation to vendors and Civil Servants in order that there may be no lapses in salaries and payments. Of course, this should be verified in the Turn Over Notes, when the Transition Teams conclude their delíberations. 

As the nation awaits a new Administration, and as the CDC led government prepares to exit the corridors of power, after 6 years of service to the nation, I avail myself of this opportunity to admonish all Liberíans that love of patrimony is a paramount virtue of National Unity. We must always cherish this Pristine Land above all Political Persuasions. 

Long Live Liberia.