Liberia Faces Jet Fuel Shortage Due to Delay in Shipment


Conex Energy, Inc., the supplier of Jet fuel in Liberia has announced that there is “an aviation fuel (Jet A1) scarcity in several countries in the region.”

The is a usual surge in passenger traffic at this time of the year, causing jet fuel scarcity.

In a statement issued on Monday, the company disclosed that the arrival of jet fuel in Liberia will be delayed as a result of the shortage on the global market.

“Our scheduled shipment of jet fuel which was due to arrive on December 14th, 2022 was delayed and we are now being informed that the vessel will not arrive in Liberia until January 13th, 2023.”

The statement added that airlines will have to use alternative locations for fueling during the period.

“The delay in the arrival of the next jet fuel vessel may cause low fuel stock at Roberts International Airport (RIA). Kindly note that all flights are on schedule as planned and will service their customers.”

The company has already communicated with all relevant stakeholders, including the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Transport, the Liberian Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA), Roberts International Airlines (RIA), and the Liberian Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC).

In May, the Robert International Airport experienced a supply shortage in jet fuel as a result of the trickle-down impact of the Ukraine War, which resulted in a jump in the cost of jet fuel of more than 15%, according to data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).